I have been interested in writing since I wrote, illustrated and self-published my own book at the age of nine (it had a press run of one).
I am a Life Coach and AWA (Amherst Writers and Artists) trained facilitator and I believe that writing has long-ranging effects on the writer. Within the framework of my classes, I have learned with my students that pieces written in every genre from poetry to memoir and will surprise us. We often say, “where did that come from?” Where indeed. We are such deep pools and so much can be found there and that’s the place where we find our voices. Join us to witness the magic. It’s amazing to see what can be accomplished in a few short evenings.
My life coaching experience helps me understand our stories and I can help writers find themselves in their words. One thing we learn is no matter what our genre, our writing is often about us, which if we are looking for it, can become an interesting way of seeing our characters.
In my early days of community work, a coworker coined the words, community animator to describe the work I do. I like it and travel extensively in Canada finding friends and stories. My first book “Reflections on the Road, 22,482 Kilometres home,” is a non-traditional exploration of the 2009 leg of my “Quest across Canada.”
I came late to the Romance Genre. Right now my co-writer daughter and I are in the final stages of editing a contemporary LGBT romance series that should be out soon.
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Quest Across Canada
Traveling across Canada has been a dream of mine since my father forbade me to stick out my thumb when I was 17. At 55 my thumb still worked but so many other things didn’t, so that trip evolved to involve my van. It was the trip of a lifetime, allowing me to get close to so many people and communities across the western and northern parts of our nation. This blog is a record of the first 2 years of that trip, til I came home seriously sick from spending too much time with a deer tick.
Click here to share the joy and connect to some of the amazing things that happened to me along the way. It will help you understand what drives me and what happens when you go all in for your dreams. One of these days Vincent Vango will ride again and we will see the rest of the country. Until then, “Don’t fence me in.”
Lifelines Coaching
“Every door conceals a dragon blowing flames, daring you to step across the thresh hold…and yet for those willing to ride the beast, there is strength, courage and the ability to step into a life that you have never dreamed possible”
As a coach, I will help you learn to ride the dragons standing in your way and discover the self you were meant to be. Click the dragon to find the magic.
Waiting on Wisdom
I always thought that as I got older I would get wiser…and here I am getting older. Still waiting and while I wait, I am writing the occasional thing, but don’t expect it to be wise. Every time I think it might be I get terrible writer’s block. It’s mostly rambling, can be fun. Click here to Join me.
What I Write
I write a monthly column in the East Gwillimbury Bulletin focusing on community. It gets me out of my writing cave and into the wide world where I meet people who are changing their world causing a ripple effect throughout the town. If you have a project that I could bring my enthusiasm to, bring it on.
I am also working on a never-ending novel project with my daughter which has taught me so much. I have learned that the more I write, the more my characters come to life and the more the stories unfold themselves so I need to keep writing. One of the best ways to do that is to ignore the old adage that writing is a lonely business and meet other creators. It is inspiring to hear others tell their stories. It’s good for me and for them too so I have created a place to write with others in my little zoom room. It’s cozy, it’s fun and it keeps me writing. I hope it does the same for you.
REFLECTIONS ON THE ROAD: 22,482 kilometres home
My first book is the story of my trip across Canada with Vincent Vango, Adelle, Karma, and Shy Girl. It was fun to experience and even better to write. Having the book in my hand was one of the best experiences of my life. I’d love to share that with you. Click here to find it.
Places I've Been/Vicki's Bio
Author and writing facilitator Vicki Pinkerton has been interested in writing since she wrote, illustrated and self published her own book at the age of nine (it had a press run of one copy). The Life Coach and AWA (Amherst Writers and Artists) trained facilitator believes that writing has long ranging effects on the writer.
Her students have found that within the framework of a course, they have written pieces, in every genre from poetry to memoir and fiction that surprise them. Once they find their voices, a few students choose to publish some of what they have written. It is exciting to think that so much can be accomplished in a few short evenings.
Her life coaching experience means that Vicki and her participants often find writing helps them understand their life stories in ways that help them become fully themselves. One thing we learn in this business is no matter what our genre, our writing is about us. In that, it becomes universal allowing us to write successfully for others.
Vicki is a community animator and travels extensively in Canada finding friends and stories. Her own book “Reflections on the Road, 22,482 kilometres home,” is a non-traditional exploration of the 2009 leg of her “quest across Canada.”
Vicki came late to the Romance Genre. She and her co-writer daughter are in the final stages of editing an LGBT novel to come out soon.
“Writing is work but it is fun and pushes me into all kinds of adventures where I meet myself and others. I love sharing that passion with others.”
Vicki’s monthly column, Circles can be found in the East Gwillimbury Bulletin
Board of Directors – Amherst Writers and Artists
Facilitator – Write Now and Memoir– Town of Newmarket
Facilitates Writing in Old Crow Yukon to First Nations Elders for Yukon College.
Co-creator of Amherst Writers and Artists Canadian Chapter
Amherst Writers and Artist training
Creative Life Coach and proprietor of LifeLines Creative Coaching in business since 2005
Has been on the Board of Directors of WCDR – Writers Circle of Durham Region
Member of the International Coaching Federation
CTI coach training 2004
York University – Honours degree Communication -2004
York University Creative Writing Program 2000
Seneca College Certificate in Adult Education