The Light is Coming and March 2022 Newsletter


On Valentine’s Day, I was up and out the door for my walk at 7:30 am but the sun beat me. It was up at 7:18 that morning. I have been walking in the dark with Cauli who doesn’t really care all winter. She loves that the critters have walked by just before her and she keeps her nose to the ground, dark or light, but I have to say, I prefer walking when it is bright. Yesterday I was out at 6 pm and we watched the full moon rising. It’s such a privilege to be so close to the land and sky here.

I was talking to my family in Whitehorse and their sunrise and sunset today are 9:42 am and 6:57pm. Their sky brightens much faster than ours and yet we can see it changing daily now. The light is coming. It’s coming, really it is, but

as we wait for the sky to celebrate spring, let’s spend some time writing together.

Fly Away Writing,

Wednesday, March 2, til Wednesday March 23.

Sign up for 1-3 pm or 7-9 pm.

$100 plus $13 hst

If you have already spoken to me and are on the list, I will have sent you an email and you don’t need to register again.

New this session:

Submission Success

Thursday, March 3 to June 16 for 8 weeks every second week (missing March 24 and 31)

$175 plus $22.75 hst.

The great Canadian Philosopher, Wayne Gretzky, once said that you miss 100% of the shots you never take. I can twist that around to say, If you want to publish, you need to submit.

In this session, I am offering Submission Success to get you and me submitting to contests, magazines, blogs, or where ever your words want to go. This session, unlike my others, will include homework. We will find places to submit. For this task, we will be using the amazing skills of Kimberly Aslett, librarian extraordinaire, and prolific submitter to help us find submission venues.

What are your interests? Are you a dog person? Bring in ideas for submitting dog articles. Each of us will contribute to the submission list.

We will do prompted writing as usual, but we will also be writing to hit certain submission standards.

We will meet bi-weekly and in between we will finish pieces and submit them to each other for AWA style critique, to make the piece better.

By the end of 8 weeks, we will have submitted 2 pieces and have several more to consider.


Coming soon:

Something to look forward to because you asked.

Memoirize Yourself:

Tuesday April 12 – May 31 – 1 – 3:30 pm (with the possibility of Jun 3 and June 10 as reading days)

Details to follow.


                                                                                                                                                                     Sunset Feb 17, 6pm

Email me for details and to register.