Solstice sun coming through the woods.


As 2025 briskly approaches, I hope you have had a marvelous time with family and friends. During this gap between the bustle of Christmas and the potential of the new year I am taking a breath, looking back at the year that was. I’m not much for New Years resolutions, preferring instead to wait until my birthday when the new year is mine alone, but it has been a chaotic 2024 so I am anticipating taking a breath and moving forward with some peace in my life.

If ‘peace in my life’ was a prompt at the writing table, I think I would say something about remembering to breathe, rediscovering the magic in my life and reclaiming my writing. The writing part shouldn’t be that hard, I do it often with friends or alone but there has been something missing, possibly breathing or magic.

What about you? I hope that you can find a clean crisp page with your favorite pen and get some lines down. There’s nothing like feeling the texture a fresh piece of paper sliding under the heel of your hand or even hearing the flow of the ink as it guides your thoughts. Just write, not for any other reason except the joy of it. See what happens.

In a week I will be taking a notebook and heading to the Yukon where the air will be cold and clean. I will come back refreshed ready to bring our recaptured sparkle together for the purpose of laying down some words to the rhythm of the universal breath and for the sheer joy of it. Find the magic in your writing  in 2025.

Keep in touch. Vicki